Instruction Manual
991015 Copyright ©1999, HanaHo Games Inc. All Rights Reserved
Patent Pending
Thank you for purchasing the HotRod Joystick. The HotRod Joystick is designed to give you playability and
durability for many years to come. Thanks to your feedback, suggestions and support, we at HanaHo Games, Inc.,
manufacturer of the HotRod Joystick, have succeeded in producing a world class PC hardware product that has that
true arcade feel built into it. The HotRod Joystick is the absolute best production joystick on the market today and
we are proud to put our name on it!
The purpose of this manual is to get you familiar with some of the functions of the HotRod, and familiarize you with
the way the HotRod operates.
A word about Emulation and Classic Gaming
Thanks to some very good programmers, multiple platform-based programs called emulators let you play actual
arcade machine ROMS (Read Only Memory chips) on your PC at home. Most of these emulator programs are
completely free and can be found from a variety of sources on the Internet. However we must warn you that
acquiring licensed ROMS without owning the actual game or the license to hold the game is considered to be a
violation of the law. We do not recommend or even endorse our customers holding ROMS that they do not hold the
license to. We have however acquired the rights to legally distribute licensed copies of actual Capcom game ROMS
used in arcade machines from 1980 all the way to 1995. We have added this CD-ROM to your purchase of the
HotRod Joystick as a way to say "Thank You" for your order and have done this to preserve a rich history in
memories of arcade games that would otherwise be lost because they are no longer produced for sale.
One of the most famous arcade emulator projects is called M.A.M.E. (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator). It is by far
the biggest emulator with many followers and programmers writing drivers for well over 1600+ supported games to
date. We have included a special version of MAME, bundled within the HotRod Joystick Products as well as Tips
and Tricks, Cheat codes, source codes, utilities, and other data. See the CD-ROM in your package for more details.
We at HanaHo Games, Inc. would like to take a moment to acknowledge these individuals, for their hard work and
devotion to preserving these Arcade memories of more than 20 years past!
Nicola Salmoria ( project coordinator of MAME, and the entire MAME team.
Saint ( from Build Your Own Arcade Control web page
Tim Erkel ( from Arcade@Home
JoseQ ( from Emuviews
Atila and Phophet from Retrogramers web site
Neil Bradley from the Retrocade Emulator
Carl-Henrik Skårstedt ( from the Shark Emulator
Dave ( from Dave's Video Game Classics web site
And to the entire Emulation community as there is just too many great individuals to list here. Everyone has been
fantastic in his or her support and suggestions, and we hope that we may now contribute our little piece of history to
The HotRod
The HotRod Joystick is a PC
based model on the original
arcade control panel designed
for home use. It plugs right
into the back of your PC,
through the PS/2 keyboard
port in between the keyboard
and the PC. The HotRod
Joystick is a low-level bios
input device, and it simulates a
keyboard to your computer.
No special drivers or software
are needed. It was designed to
replicate that classic arcade
feel using Retrogaming
emulation programs such as
M.A.M.E., Retrocade, and
commercial release titles such
as Microsoft's(tm) "Return of
the Arcade", and "Hasbro's
Atari's greatest hits(tm)". It is
possible to use the HotRod
controller to play any com-
puter game, such as
DOOM(tm), or TombRaider(tm), but we do not recommend this because these types of games were designed
around your keyboard and should be played with your keyboard and mouse. Classic Arcade games originally made
for the Arcade, were designed for joysticks and large buttons, and this is what the HotRod was designed to do.
HotRod simulates that "real" classic arcade experience, by using real commercial grade arcade components, that are
actually an "overkill" for the home market. However, it produces a nice effect for that avid classic gamer who
demands that authentic play. It is a very unique joystick, unlike any regular joystick you will find on the market. It is
capable of playing 1 to 2 player games side by side with your friends, or complex arcade games that require dual
joystick usage such as Robotron(tm), BattleZone(tm), or even CrazyClimber(tm). That old analog PC joystick could
never do this!
The HotRod benefits by having superior durability. Outside you should also notice that even the playfield is capable
of heavy duty extreme play conditions. Inside the HotRod is actually a very simple microswitch system, connected
by wires to a microchip brain.
The HotRod has easy setup and low maintenance
The HotRod Joystick cabinet measures 24 inches wide (61 cm), 11 inches (28 cm) deep, and 6 inches
(15.25cm) tall and weights approximately 15-16lbs.
HotRod should fit right on your desk and directly in front of your monitor. The top playfield has a 10 degree
ergonomic angle, and is covered with a durable custom polycarbonate that is UV, soil, and scuff resistant just
like the real arcade machines.
3M Polylastomer® feet designed for non-slip usage on your desk or any smooth surface.
HotRod utilizes a MUX circuit design that we like to call Digital Multiplex Sampling™. DMS™ gives HotRod
the fastest most accurate digital keystroke inputs, error free!
HotRod comes with a male to male 6 foot PS/2 to PS/2 cord.
HotRod is self-powered by the +5VDC feed from your PC’s keyboard power, and needs no additional power
sources or plug-ins.
Happ™ super model joysticks and buttons are in all versions of the HotRod. All these component micro
switches are rated at 10,000,000 cycles for reliability.
Currently there are two versions of the HotRod Joystick. The HotRod -SE model, which has 16 independent
arcade style microswitch buttons, 2x8-way arcade style microswitch joysticks, and player one and two start
buttons. The HotRod -Classic model has 10 independent arcade style microswitch buttons, 2x8-way arcade
style microswitch joysticks, and player one and two start buttons. Each version is arranged depending on your
style of play and the type of games you like to play. The HotRod –SE model is set up more for
StreetFighter™, Neo Geo™ type games, and the HotRod –Classic model is set up for those older games such
as Pacman™, Galaga™, or Defender™.
Installing the HotRod Joystick is very simple. It is recommended that you read these instructions in their entirety,
before attempting to install the HotRod Joystick to your computer.
The box consists of a HotRod joystick, a manual, a registration card, a 6-foot PS/2 to PS/2 keyboard plug, and a
Once you remove the HotRod Joystick from the box, please keep in mind that it is a good idea to store the box
because you might need it in the unlikely event that you ship the HotRod back to the manufacturer or distributor.
Set the HotRod down in front of your monitor where the keyboard would normally be, and move your keyboard off
to the side of your work area.
Note: Before you start the installation, remember to turn off your computer first. Some PC's do not agree with hot
swapping. Hot swapping is where you unplug a computer peripheral such as a keyboard, and plug in another similar
peripheral. On occasion some PC's tend to "beep" multiple times as if you were holding down a key on the key
board. The buffer overfills causing the computer to "beep" continuously while a hot swap is preformed with the
computer's keyboard still powered up. Most of the computers we tested in our lab accepted hot swaps, however we
highly recommend that you shut down your PC first, and then perform the installation of the HotRod Joystick.
Start by locating your keyboard plug within the back of your PC, and remove the keyboard plug. Most PC's have
the PS/2 style keyboard, but if you have an AT style plug you will have to purchase a converter plug that converts
the plug from the AT style to the PS/2 style plug. If you have the At style, you will also need to purchase a con-
verter plug to convert your PS/2 plug back to the AT style for your keyboard to plug in. Locate the 2 PS/2 plugs
within the back of the HotRod. One is marked computer; the other is marked keyboard. The HotRod comes packed
with a male to male PS/2 keyboard cord. Unpack this cord, and plug one side into the HotRod panel marked
computer and the other side into your computer keyboard port where your keyboard was plugged into. Then plug
the keyboard into the plug marked keyboard on the back of the HotRod. Power your PC back up.
Your keyboard will remain fully functional and in fact will work at the same time while plugged in. Your computer
should not have any problems, because it believes you simply have a single keyboard in place.
Each button on the HotRod joystick has been assigned a static keystroke. This means that the buttons are set to
emulate specific keyboard keys. Your computer knows no difference between a button pressed on the HotRod, and
a key pressed on the keyboard. However there is one very big difference. Unlike the keyboard, the HotRod's
circuitry is specially designed to handle a large amount of tasks and instructions from the inputs, then organizes
them into codes, and send them down the keyboard input fast and accurately without fail and at the highest perfor-
mance. The keyboard is simply not designed to handle multiple keys pressed and held down for extended time
periods. Keyboards will often miss inputs, whenever multiple keys are pressed down at the same time.
Most all games have two basic types of buttons. Action and maintenance buttons. All buttons located on the
HotRod controller are buttons we call action buttons. Action buttons are buttons that are primarily used for direct
game play within the game. Examples are "punch", "kick", or "fire" buttons. "Player One" and "Player Two"
buttons fall into the action buttons category because they are used for direct play while the game is playing. The
other types of buttons needed are maintenance buttons. These are for selecting a game, choosing options, enabling
cheat codes, and general maintenance for that game. Most maintenance type keys vary greatly from game to game,
but a lot of action buttons are the same through out different games. For example, the arrow keys are used for
directions for almost 95% of all games for the PC. In the HotRod Joystick, maintenance buttons are left generally
for your keyboard to handle, while action buttons are left up to the HotRod Joystick to input from within the game.
The default action keys on the HotRod are set to the MAME emulator defaults. Since HotRod is an input device
that basically emulates the keyboard you want to make sure that in each game or emulator you have the keyboard
input enabled in order for the HotRod to function correctly.
At the time of the writing of this manual, we have worked with a few emulator authors and have secured HotRod
Joystick support within these emulators. More emulator authors will be adding in support for the HotRod Joystick
as time goes on. There are a very large number of classic emulators and classic remake games available on the
Internet and the commercial market. Since most all of these games allow you to program input keyboard keys
directly into the program, the problem of programmability is often easily overcome. Software programming
instructions for each and every game and emulator is way beyond the scope of this documentation, and we ask that
you seek out the support of each software program, in order to find out how to reprogram the keyboard inputs for
that particular software and or emulator.
The HotRod joystick is designed to work with the PC at the hardware interface level. This provides some huge
benefits as no drivers are needed, and no software is needed to be loaded prior to an operating system. Since 99%
of all computers have a keyboard, in theory the HotRod will work on any PC and with any operating system on that
However if you plug your HotRod into your PC and suspect a problem, here are few helpful hints in order for you
to trouble shoot your problem.
Make sure you have all the PS/2 plugs in correctly and fully. Follow the PS/2 cord from the plug marked
computer, to the computer and make sure it is indeed plugged into the PS/2 port marked for your keyboard.
Then look at the HotRod again under the plug marked PS/2 keyboard and follow that one back to your
keyboard to make sure that your keyboard is indeed plugged in.
Take a look at your keyboard’s Number lock light and toggle the Number lock light with your Number lock
key. See if your keyboard is making a “pass through”. If not, start the installation process once again.
Drop to a DOS window (if in Windows) and try pressing a few buttons on your keyboard and the HotRod to
see any keystrokes come up. Keep in mind that some of the HotRod buttons emulate the ALT key so you might
not see any cursor movement when those buttons on the HotRod are pressed.
In the HotRod CD-ROM that comes within the box of your HotRod controller, there is a utility called the
HotRod Test Program™ (HRTEST.EXE) that gives you a complete button test for your HotRod Joystick.
This simple utility is a GUI DOS/Windows9.x utility that will let you test every button/switch combination on
the HotRod Joystick to make sure it is operating perfectly.
Some Windows 9.x operating systems have unintended effects when the ALT button is pressed with other
buttons or a combination of buttons, Microsoft has some tools on their web site to counteract some of these
problems, as well as some great tools for remapping your ALT, control, and spacebar.
If you are experiencing a problem within a certain game, seek out the properties or configuration within that
game. Make sure that within the game, Windows disables all hotkeys to windows, so that certain button
combinations do not have adverse affects.
Customer Care
Never use hard abrasive cleaners to clean the surface of the HotRod Joystick. Use a slightly damp towel or wash
cloth to clean surfaces. Do not get the HotRod too wet, as an abundance of water might damage and warp the
wood cabinet. Remember that the HotRod too is a computer peripheral, and should be treated as any other
computer peripheral you might own.
All HotRod Joysticks are covered by a 90-day product Limited Manufacturer's Warranty. Any and all claims must
be brouhgt to the attention of HanaHo Games, Inc. In order to receive proper service from HanaHo Games, Inc.;
please register the product using the Manufacturer's registration card that is provided with the product. Refunds
will only be made to the original purchaser. Remember to retain your bill of sale for warranty service. Any items
returned without a copy of the bill of sale will be considered out of warranty.
The HotRod Joystick has been sealed up to maintain top working order and top performance. Opening up the
HotRod cabinet will void all manufacturer's warranties, and should only be done by authorized personal such as
trained technicians, or the manufacturer.
HanaHo Games, Inc. warrants the HotRod Joystick against defects in materials or workmanship as follows:
Labor: For a period of 90 days from the original date of purchase, if HanaHo Games, Inc. determines that the
equipment is defective subject to the limitations of this warranty, it will be replaced at no charge for labor. HanaHo
Games, Inc. warrants any such work done against defects in materials or workmanship for the remaining portion of
the original warranty period.
Parts: For the period of 90 days from the original date of purchase, HanaHo Games, Inc. will supply, at no charge,
new or remanufactured parts in exchange for parts determined to be defective, subject to the limitations of this
warranty. HanaHo Games, Inc. warrants any such replacement parts against defects in materials or workmanship
for the remaining portion of the original warranty period.
When shipping for repairs, please package the HotRod Joystick into its original box properly, using either the
original shipping materials or the packaging in which the replacement equipment is shipped. Contact HanaHo
Games, Inc. for an RMA number, write the RMA number in large, clearly visible characters on the outside of the
shipping box that you use to return the equipment. To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, shipments without the
RMA number clearly visible on the outside of the box will be returned at your expense.
Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. If the product is returned in used, or not in new condition, or not
in its original packaging complete with all accessories & documentation, the purchase price will be refunded less a
15% restocking fee. Products damaged by abuse or improper usage and not by manufacturer's defect, will not be
accepted for refund or exchange.
HotRod Joystick is a continually developing product! This means that at any time HanaHo Games, Inc., may offer
upgraded models, upgraded joystick conversions, or a service to upgrade your joystick model and reserves the right
to set down rules regarding trade-ins, conversions or upgrades. If HanaHo Games, Inc. offers upgrades for the
HotRod Joystick, it is the customer's responsibility to notify HanaHo Games, Inc. to inquire about these upgrades.
HanaHo Games, Inc. will post upgrade info via the HotRod Joystick web site if and when it's available.
If you would like more information regarding warranty info and RMA numbers, feel free to e-mail us at
HanaHo Games, Inc., PVG, or Semco will not be held liable for incidental or consequential damages for breach of
any expressed or implied warranty on the HotRod Joystick, nor any incidental or consequential damages resulting
from the use of, or inability to use the HotRod Joystick. Under no circumstances shall HanaHo Games, Inc. liability,
if any, exceed the purchase price paid for the HotRod Joystick. HanaHo Games, Inc. reserves the right to refuse to
honor this warranty if HanaHo Games, Inc determines any of the above exceptions to have caused the HotRod
Joystick not to perform properly. This warranty shall be void if any factory-applied serial numbers have been altered
or removed. This warranty shall also be void if the HotRod Joystick has been opened by an unauthorized person.
HotRod Joystick Model Name: ___________________________________
HotRod Joystick Serial Number: __________________________________
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Revisions may be issued to advise you of such changes and/or additions.
Correspondence regarding this guide should be addressed directly to HanaHo Games, Inc. 13854 Bentley Place -
Cerritos, California 90703. (
The HotRod Joystick™ logo, is a trademark of HotRod Joystick Company. CrazyClimber™ is trademark of Nichibutsu. BattleZone™ is a
Trademark of Hasbro Interactive Corp./Atari. Robotron™ and Defender™ are trademarks of Williams/Midway Games. Pacman™ and Galaga™
are trademarks of Namco. NeoGeo™ is a trademark of SNK Corporation. StreetFighter™ is a trademark of Capcom Games licensed by HanaHo
Games, Inc. Happ Super Joystick ™ is a trademark of Happ Controls. All other mentioned trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
All use of these names, trademarks, registered trademarks, and copyrights are purely used as an example, and not construed as any recommenda-
tion, endorsement, or intentional use of any kind.
Capcom Coin-Op Classics™ and the HotRod Test Program™ are trademarks of HanaHo Games, Inc.
Copyright ©1999, HanaHo Games Inc. All Rights Reserved
Document 2.0 (10/15/99) HotRod Joystick Manual.PDF written by HanaHo Games, Inc.
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